Post by Sometimes-It''s-Hill (Jack)On Sun, 20 Jun 2010 22:15:10 -0400, "Ed Pawlowski"
Post by Ed PawlowskiPost by Sometimes-It''s-Hill (Jack)Will placing a hot pot or dish on a glass refrigerator shelf crack it,
or is the glass specially treated to make it crack proof from heat?
Yes, it can and has broken shelves. Cool it down some first or put a cooling
rack on the shelf, then the pan Always best to let a hit dish come down in
temperature before refrigerating.
Yeah, I always put a pot holder under the hot pyrex dish, but was
wondering if that was really necessary.
I'll continue to do so.
They sell little sewer-grate looking things called trivets, specifically
to put under hot containers. Since I am reading this on,
I'll suggest making your own. Buy a cheap but thick wooden cutting
board, like for cheese at parties, and cut a tapered hole in center the
correct size to hold bowl in a non-wobbly fashion. (Isn't the bowl on a
pot holder wobbly?) Drill a few skinny holes edgeways in from the
outside, to allow ventilation. You want a board and hole sized so bean
bowl doesn't actually ever touch the glass.
Personally, I'd just set a plate over the top to keep bugs out, and
leave it sit on the counter for 10-15 minutes, and not worry about it.
If you get called away, several hours will not make any difference to
the beans, safety or taste-wise. You eat beans out of crock-pot at
buffets, don't you? On the 'warm' setting, they are a fine incubator.
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