"Mr. Trash Wheel" Removes 4,000,000 Cigarettes from Baltimore Harbor
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Because niggers can't be bothered to pick up their trash in Baltimore
2015-08-08 01:29:11 UTC
A water wheel in Baltimore's Inner Harbor has removed 160 tons
of garbage from the waterway in just under a year. That's 97,000
bottles, 80,000 potato chip bags and a whopping 4 million
cigarettes removed from a waterway so polluted that it failed
its 2014 water quality report card.

This remarkable photograph shows just how much of an impact the
water wheel has already had in its short life. The photo on the
left was taken on April 30, 2014, after a torrential downpour
washed a harrowing amount of garbage into the harbor. A mere
four million cigarettes later, a similar storm earlier this week
had almost no recognizable impact on the Harbor.

The solar-powered wheel is equipped with a conveyer belt; as the
belt turns, garbage and other debris travel up the belt and are
deposited into a dumpster and disposed of accordingly.

The wheel, dubbed "Mr. Trash Wheel" on social media, is just one
part of the Waterfront Partnership's Healthy Harbor Plan to make
the Harbor swimmable by 2020.


Frito Pendejo
2015-08-09 13:52:14 UTC
On 08/08/2015 01:29 AM, Because niggers can't be bothered to pick up
Post by Because niggers can't be bothered to pick up their trash in Baltimore
A water wheel in Baltimore's Inner Harbor has removed 160 tons
of garbage from the waterway in just under a year. That's 97,000
bottles, 80,000 potato chip bags and a whopping 4 million
cigarettes removed from a waterway so polluted that it failed
its 2014 water quality report card.
You mean cigarette butts. Which is no surprise since tobacco
addicts treat the world as their ashtray.

Now with marijuana, nothing goes to waste. That "roach," the
equivalent of a tobacco butt, gets put in a pipe -- no pothead
would EVER discard it. Tobaccoheads just toss their filthy
herpes-encrusted butts on the ground and expect other people
to sweep them up.

While on the subject, it's hilarious that filtered cigarettes
are worse than unfiltered! The fiberglass filter traps the
largest particles. Greater suction is required, which draws
the smallest particles -- which are the most dangerous --
deeper into the lungs. The fiberglass doesn't decompose, so
right now there are probably trillions of butts littering
the streets and sidewalks of the world.
First Post
2015-08-09 14:48:01 UTC
On Sun, 09 Aug 2015 13:52:14 +0000, Frito Pendejo
Post by Frito Pendejo
On 08/08/2015 01:29 AM, Because niggers can't be bothered to pick up
Post by Because niggers can't be bothered to pick up their trash in Baltimore
A water wheel in Baltimore's Inner Harbor has removed 160 tons
of garbage from the waterway in just under a year. That's 97,000
bottles, 80,000 potato chip bags and a whopping 4 million
cigarettes removed from a waterway so polluted that it failed
its 2014 water quality report card.
You mean cigarette butts. Which is no surprise since tobacco
addicts treat the world as their ashtray.
Now with marijuana, nothing goes to waste. That "roach," the
equivalent of a tobacco butt, gets put in a pipe -- no pothead
would EVER discard it. Tobaccoheads just toss their filthy
herpes-encrusted butts on the ground and expect other people
to sweep them up.
While on the subject, it's hilarious that filtered cigarettes
are worse than unfiltered! The fiberglass filter traps the
largest particles. Greater suction is required, which draws
the smallest particles -- which are the most dangerous --
deeper into the lungs. The fiberglass doesn't decompose, so
right now there are probably trillions of butts littering
the streets and sidewalks of the world.
Cigarette filters are made of cellulose acetate, a plastic, not
fiberglass. If they were made of fiberglass then they would
effectively be biodegradable as they would eventually break back down
to their base component, sand or silica.
Better for the environment but much worse for the smoker since raw
fiberglass breaks apart thus releasing glass particles to be inhaled.
The cellulose acetate is safer for the smoker but never degrades. Once
the paper wrapper disintegrates the fibers do come apart which is why
you don't see just piles and piles of butts stacking up everywhere.
Of course they do hold together longer in water than on streets and
sidewalks because they aren't getting stepped on or ran over and
ground up.

People don't think about what happens to a cigarette butt when they
throw it on the street or out of the car window. All of those picked
up in Baltimore Harbor were probably a result of what washes into the
harbor from the storm drains as opposed to people throwing them into
the harbor directly.

But for perspective sake, think about how much petroleum product run
off is also washing into the harbors. Not to mention all of the other
trash that washes off of the streets through the storm drains.
People put a lot worse into the environment in the form of waste
products than cigarette butts. And until they start shooting all the
garbage up into space it will just be that way for many decades to
