2017-11-24 18:38:15 UTC
But watch what happens when National Guardsmen try to do the work of police.Instant bongo party!
This is just the latest chapter in the black-genocide conspiracy theory:
Where have all the bruthas gone?
“Black folk don’t know how to run no nation":
Africoonians have never built a major enduring city in 3,000 years:
Watch out for "slippery slope" martial law. First Baltimorgue, then
Shitcago, Apelanta, Detoilet, Milwaukee, Ferguson, and Los Angeles? Where
will it stop? Probably after all the shit-colored apes have been liquidated.
If I was a cop I wouldn't even respond to their whines for help, but who do
they call when one of their murderous ilk are ravaging the "hood"? Negroes
exist in an alternate reality.
You could also leave the military out and just fence off the city and let
the negroes have at it, like the Warsaw Ghetto. Any negroes found fleeing
will be shot on sight...